Sunday, January 13, 2008

STRESS - Is it avoidable or just manageable?

Is it possible to live without stress?
I think we live in a world that has constant pressures here and there. In my little years of sojourn in this time zone (3 decades + now), my shocking discovery is that a problem solved creates another. I've had lofty aspirations and high expectations that most times when realised leaves me with another void. Then the quest to do somehting new sets in, thereby landing me into concerns and finally results into STRESS.
I wish someone will be able to delete that 6-letter word from the dictionary and in reality take it out of existence but behold, the more we run away from it out of fear, the more we are entangled by it.
I am of the opinion that STRESS is not avoidable (I stand to be corrected anyway), but it can adequately be managed. Carol Clifton PhD; a licensed Psychologist offered the followings as the Danger Signal of Stress -
You may be under too STRESS if you...
...find yourself irritable or impatient with things you normally tolerate.
...have difficulty getting to sleep and feel exhausted whe you awake.
...sense you are one step away from falling apart.
...suffer from frequent headaches or stomach pains.
...get distracted easily and have trouble concentrating. more negatively than usual.
...become forgetful and absentminded.
don't laugh as much as you used to.
...use alcohol, non-prescription drugs, or food to help you relax.
...postpone what is truly important, to accomplish what isn't that important.

Good counsel I hear you say. But I found a better counsel in a book called the Bible - "casting all your care upon Him (God), for He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7.
This has worked for me, when I'm faced with something a bit higher than my usual strength, I just observe solitude and cast my cares upon God, it has worked more than magic.

Have a great day!

With Love...